The Servant
    James C. Hunter

    Becoming A Contagious Christian
    Bill Hybels & Mark Mittelberg

    The Last Lecture
    Randy Pausch
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Get a Load of This…

So I have REALLY enjoyed the Hillsong Conference here in London for many reasons.  I have gained some new information about God’s word, I have been inspired about what God is doing on this planet (beyond Palm Beach County) but FIRED up about MY church!  What can I do in MY church! How I do love MY church!  Not because it is perfect but it is where God has called me!  We are “impacting our world.”

Okay, God has been so good to encourage me (and James) through this trip.  We have heard “His Word” and blessed by it, but God (just like him) added the icing…we got to meet Brian & Bobbie Houston (Senior Pastors of Hillsong Church).

Not just meet her, the ol’ hand shake business…but have a sit down with her.  Julie and I sat on sofas like we were at home with she and her daughter.  Conversation about ministry and life – one in the same really.   So real, so natural, so FUNNY!  She was in no rush, just interested.  What a joy and honor to meet with someone who God is using and is allowing to be used!  Amazing woman of God.

Thankful to be here and grateful to my mom home caring for the kids!  Love and Miss you all!

Parker Would Love This

A big “Shout Out!!” to my favorite little man.  I have seen some serious weapons you would love to hold!  Good thing you are not here.  I have posted some of them for your viewing pleasure.  I miss you and will see you soon! -your Queen Kisser.

Too bad I am not a Queen, check out the castle in the “real” Hampton’s (lower right with our great friends & great leaders Pastor Todd & Julie).  What amazing history!  I have discovered being a Queen isn’t “all that” any who…most Queens had a hard time having children and keeping themselves from being beheaded by their King/Hubby.  I will take my life in South Florida!

Great memories, Great Friends, Great Husband and Great Mom taking care of my kids!  Thanks Mom!

Tower of London

Point of Interest Today was the “Tower of London,”  what great history.  My son Parker would have loved seeing all battle gear.  Great start to a once in a Lifetime trip!  Did I mention the trip over wore me out!! I need some ZZZZ!

Need a New Tool

Have you ever been stuck in knowing how to pray for a fellow believer that you do not know very well, much less the situation they are facing or processing through.  I find myself here often.  Sometimes I do not have the time to hear all the history and facts, but I know God knows the details and he always has time.

I have been studying Colossians and in my study bible it gave ways to pray for other believers that you do not know well.  Modeling after Paul and his prayer for the people of Colosse.  People he had never met.  I wanted to figure a way to remember the helpful hints.  So I made necessary adjustments to the information, helping me log it in my noggin.  Here it is, maybe it will help someone else.

Praise God for their changed life in Chirst.

Right direction – God’s direction.

Ask for deep spiritual understanding.

Yielded life for Christ.

Increase knowledge of Christ.

Needed endurance.

God, please fill _____ life with joy, strenght and thankfulness.

Life Application Study Bible

Pulling Your Hair Out!

My Prayer for the Home School Mom:

“Be strengthened with his glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need.  May you be filled with joy…”  Colossians 1:11

Homeschooling is challenging (and rewarding, but I am having a crazy week)….there are days I would rather be in a 48 hour intense labor giving birth to a 10 pound child…that seems easier.  God I certainly need your POWER.  Bring it on!


We set it before our eyes and call it entertainment.  If that is not enough, we advertise our sexually perverted, potty mouth, liberal favorite shows and movies on our Facebook.  Where is the shame? Quite amazing how tricky satan is…I believe we all have been duped into this sick culture.

I am no better.  I have been bombarded with nothing less than neon signs dropping out of the sky saying, “Wake up, Lisa!”  And wonder, “Does God ever speak directly to his people?”  Of course, He does, but the question is: “Does anyone listen?”

Here is a small test, make this statement to any family member (better yet consider it yourself): “I think we should save some money and cut out cable, what do you think?”  Many excuses will follow.  “Celebrate Recovery!” anyone?

Although I do value my Christian heritage, legalism was a way of life.  Salvation was certainly modeled in obeying the laws, keeping the rules no matter if you understood the importance of them or protection they provided. There is much to say about understanding freedom in Christ and grace He extends.  But really…OPPS! I believe we may have throw out holiness with legalism!

Do you think these verses are still relevant to our Post Modern Culture?

Psalms 101:3
“I will set before my eyes no vile thing.“

Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

I think so!

I have always known…

….but God gave me a fresh appreciation for my husband. Fifteen years of marriage and much emotional, personal and spiritual growth has taken place in my life. I have had the honor to have a husband who was a strong leader in our dating relationship and it has continued on into our lives as a couple and into our family with our children.

I have many great friends with awesome husbands…but isn’t neat how God places the right combination of personalities and gift sets together in a marriage. James is certainly that for me. We are a great fit.

Over the years James has continued to grow in his craft as a musician and God has blessed him with the ability to lead people in Worship. I love being under his leadership every weekend. Truth is I have zero music ability. Notes on a page of music, for me, is trying to read Chinese. I have no clue.

When starting out in full-time ministry, during the interview process, I would be asked “Do you play an instrument or sing?” I did not know how to feel about not sharing this gift with James. I had not yet discovered what area God would use me along side James in ministry. However, we did share the same passion for ministry, that was undeniable.

Over the years God has turned my passion into service for Him in various ways. It has been a journey of stretching and growing…but completely rewarding!

Lesson to learn: #1 if you just married a Worship Leader and have no musical talent…God has much for you to learn that has nothing to do with music! Good stuff…that is! You can do it! #2 If you have a passion to serve and have no clue what it is…give it time and God will develop you – but get started somewhere!

“Like to do things your own way?”

The positive side is she is creative, she is not afraid to try something new, and she truly sees life from a different perspective??? Right…?

I Will NOT Become Numb!

You know we have come to a bad place when MM commercials have become sexual. Honestly, isn’t anything sacred anymore. Now candy is involved! The Olympics have been a refreshing family TV event but somehow “sexy” Miss Green had to mess it all up. I am exhausted with TV, media… & our twisted culture!

The Audacity

Our sweet Adeline is a talker. She loves to communicate. She has learned phrases that you do not expect out of a mouth of a 3 year old. Recently these expressions have not so good. It is amazing how she uses them correctly with great timing.

Yesterday, we were at a friend’s house and Addy was playing with a piece of furniture, opening and closing the doors. I tried redirecting her, “Addy, we play with toys, not Ms. Bethany’s (Bef-knee’s) dresser.” She slowly turns cutting her eyes and says “Oh, so that is what you think!” I motion her to come close and I whispered sweet nothings in her ear…she replies, with a new tone, “Oh, yes Ma’am.”

Just the day before, I had asked her to do something and she replies with “What do you know?” I am so caught off guard, I find myself speechless, which is rare. Before I can say anything she followed with the “this cures all” statement – “and I love Mommy & Daddy.”

Honestly, I cannot think of where she comes up with this stuff. My natural thought is she has to hear it from somewhere. My older two children would not still be alive today if they talked to me that way.

This behavior reminds me how natural our sin nature is in our human flesh. I know God is never caught off guard by anything, but honestly sometimes our behavior must create a similar feeling I have had as a parent. The word that comes to mind that would best describe this feeling is …”the AUDACITY!!” My prayer for today is “God forgive me for the audacity I have with you in disobedience of clearly defined boundaries you set for me. Help me to obey with honor and respect. And help Addy to do the same and allow her to live another day.”